If you have an event coming up, you'll want this spreadsheet to keep track of gifts, hosting costs and more!
If your finances feel like a burden or you're just looking for ways to improve your relationship with money, this workshop is for you!
This free resource helps you better understand your habits, and cut back on non-essential spending
Challenge the idea that it's taboo to talk money
Create a compassionate way to connect
Hold space without trying to fix problems
Put love, care and generosity first
Provide you with the accountability you need to put yourself and your money first
This is a space to empower you personally and financially. To feel confident, to find genuine connections, to build secure money habits, and to enable you as you navigate your finances, your job, and your life.
This is the workshop for you
It's time to change that
This workshop is for you!
You need this workshop!
This one is for you, parents.
If you’re ready to understand your emotions around money, break free from guilt and fear, and create a financial plan that actually works for you—I’d love to have you inside The Feels-First Money Circle.
But now, I never let the shame win. Today, I don't need to add up every item I put in my grocery cart. I don't waste mental energy doing mental accounting. And I don't feel shame for buying the damn latte. Instead, my money goes toward the things that bring me joy, that light me up and that reduce my anxiety. If I need to book an emergency flight to visit a friend, I do. If I want to spend money on an item that isn't a need, I do.
Talking about money, building a solid foundation for my finances and creating a world where it's normal to strive for more allows me to be present. And I want the same for you.
Anxious girlies unite!