Whether we’re there yet or not, many of us hope to be debt-free and continue living that way. With all of the payments due in our day to day lives it becomes a distant hope without perseverance and passion to follow through on these goals. Sometimes we need new sources of motivation, and sometimes we need to be reminded of old ways. As I get closer to being 100% debt free, I forget the day that truly changed my perception of money. I forget hearing a woman talking about how her spending cycle was drastically affecting her life in more ways than one and how much I could relate. I forget the moment I got home and thought:
Debt is a heavy burden to hold onto, and it is an uphill battle that can’t be fought overnight. However, debt also brings some positive features such as tough learning lessons, an obvious need for organizational skills, and thick skin.
It also slowly but surely brings the day you become DEBT-FREE! Once I get there, I will share with you exactly how I feel, and exactly what I plan to do, but for now I want to imagine. And maybe use the following ideas as a bucket list!
TELL EVERYONE (as though you are a vegan, gym head, or writer)
Celebrate in any way you see necessary!
Take the world’s biggest sigh of relief and bottle it up as a memory
Start putting all of those debt payments towards new financial goals
Sleep a full 8 hours without worry
Buy something using credit knowing that you are wise enough to pay it back by end of month
Look at your bank account and not have to see a liability
Stop hiding in your house avoiding all social interactions that cost money
Stop buying 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner
Shred and discard all bills and documentation that once stressed you out
Smile without guilt
Think clearly without something always being in the back of your mind
Build a healthy relationship with your finances and credit
Learn to invest and actually start doing it
Save effortlessly for retirement
Realize that the things you want aren’t as far out of reach as you once thought
Go on vacation!
Be approved for a mortgage
Be so good at paying bills you could pay them in advance if you really wanted to
Plan a New Year’s resolution that has nothing to do with debt
Quit a second or third job if you want to
Spend more time with friends and family
Help educate others who need to pay off debt
Support anyone who is going through a similar situation
Make a more health-focused budget
Let go of any bad memories
SKY DIVE because why not?
Give back by making more charitable donations
Build your wealth
Follow any passions you were once afraid of
Start your own business
Ensure you never go into debt again
Stay frugal because frugal is fun!
Understand that it’s okay to say no
Give advice without fear of someone not trusting you
Share your story to spark motivation in someone else
Cook an extravagant meal and pop a bottle of champagne because you are a baller!
Build good credit and check your report without worry
Spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing, because you can do it without regret
Make more money than you’ve ever made before
What are some debt-free living ideas you would add to the list? Let me know in the comments!