Finding new ways to earn more is key Building passive income can be a great way to increase your household income. Learning how to build passive income as you go through life can set up your family for a more prosperous future. The practices in this article will help you learn more about passive income […]

4 Ways to Build Passive Income


It might seem like you’re the only person in the world who is struggling to manage their money Talking about money can be intimidating if you’re dipping your toes into personal finance for the first time. It can be even more intimidating if you have to speak to a financial professional or someone at the […]

How to Speak to Financial Professionals When You Know Absolutely Nothing


You might think you need big money to invest in real estate It’s no secret that one of the oldest ways to invest in real estate is through buying actual property. But what if you don’t want to sell your kidney to compete in a bidding war in today’s market?  Aside from this, maybe you […]

How to Invest in Real Estate the Non-Traditional Way


So many of us unknowingly deal with money based on how we are raised Spending guilt is something that many people experience when it comes to their money. According to a 2019 survey, consumers say they feel guilty about every one in five purchases they make. They spend around $89 every week that they feel guilty […]

How to Get Over Spending Guilt


Therapy has always been a place where I feel safe to speak my mind Do you ever feel like life is something that you can’t quite get a handle on? I’ve been there. One of my new favourite songs, Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold, says it best: Do you ever get a little bit […]

Trickle-Down Therapy For The One Who Can’t Afford to See a Professional


It’s okay to change your mind This article is a follow-up to “Is Tiny Living for You?”  Despite my affinity for the tiny house lifestyle, I found that buying a tiny home, especially as my first property, didn’t make sense once I dug into the numbers.  One of the main reasons I was interested in […]

The Tiny Home Wasn’t for Me, For Now


If all you do is make monthly payments, you’re not practicing building wealth. In his best-selling book, Atomic Habits, James Clear eloquently suggests: “We don’t rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems.” For most people, establishing a savings system while climbing out of debt is an excellent long-term strategy. It seems […]

Is It Possible to Save or Invest While in Debt?


something as small as meal planning made me excited for a Monday morning Meal planning and meal prep have always been my mortal enemy. It’s not because I don’t like the idea of having everything planned and organized for my week or because I don’t like leftovers. But rather, the actual planning and preparation that […]

Is Meal Planning Budget-Friendly?


Life is a lot easier with a partner who is on board to split all of life’s responsibilities People hate to admit their privilege. It’s a hard pill to swallow. To have to admit that some aspects of your life have given you an easier path than others. But ignoring or denying that you have […]

The Financial Perks of Being In An Equal Relationship


Sometimes with money, the answer isn’t in a budget, spending detox or frozen credit card. When it comes to finding motivation, brainstorming new ways to approach challenges, or literally any type of struggle with your money — it’s impossible to know where to begin. I say this, because I have been searching for the answers […]

40 Prompts To Help You Get Your Financial $hit Together


She is the founder of the two-time award-winning Canadian Personal Finance Blog of the Year, Mixed Up Money which has over 100,000 followers across social media. Through her work, she has been featured in many notable publications, including The Globe and Mail, CNBC, CBC, and more. Her books, The 100 Day Financial Goal Journal and Financial First Aid are currently available for purchase.

Alyssa is a freelance writer and enjoys writing about personal finance, homeownership, and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her enjoying some downtime with her kids, playing soccer or daydreaming about home decor.

Alyssa Davies is a content manager for Zolo, Trauma of Money facilitator and a published author living in Calgary, Alberta. 

I'm Alyssa! Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

Oh no, you missed the live webinar! But, good news: Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a resource for anyone planning for a future child or family. 

financially preparing for baby

Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a free resource for anyone looking to cut back on non-essential spending. My most-requested product is these monthly calendars to share on your Instagram story, use as a phone background, or print off to track your spending habits.

spending trackers

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Welcome friend! I'm your new money bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Alyssa x