when it comes to groceries – every dollar counts. Let me start by saying that I spend very little on groceries compared to most. I don’t know how because I eat almost every single hour, but my fiancé and I manage to only spend about $120-$150 per month each totalling to approximately $300. I think […]

How I Keep My Grocery Budget Under $300 a Month


Well, another month has come and gone in 2015. Scary right? To think that it’s already fall and we are almost at Christmas time?! I’m sure you’re all dying to know how I did this month because I gave myself quite a gruelling challenge. In order to fulfill my goal, I would have to put […]

August Budget Breakdown


When it comes to spending money on unnecessary products, I used to be the Queen of them all. I had so many guilty pleasures that were attached to my credit card – there was no actual guilt associated. Because I couldn’t see the actual receipt or individual amounts add up each month, I never felt it […]

Credit History: What did I buy?


Eating food and spending money are two of my favorite past times. Whether the two are related or not is something you can decide on your own, but I have always been a fan of comparisons and analogies. The reasons we choose to spend money are often psychological and can be controlled by simply taking […]

I Spend Like I Eat


I use 3 simple tricks to help me spend less money. Simple as that! Spending less is a very broad term so let’s find a way to narrow things down. Reviewing your budget is the best way to understand where your main expenses are but it doesn’t always tell the truth. A budget can be […]

3 Tricks I Use to Spend Less


Opt for the lower priced gear, because in the long run, these clothes will be ruined anyways. As someone who takes her fitness regimen quite seriously, I have to admit that I am annoyed. I am annoyed with those who are advocating spend for non-essential lifestyles. I agree that health and fitness are necessity and […]

Healthy Living Doesn’t Have To Break the Bank


I have a piece of paper sitting in a box in my closet with the words Europe, South America, Central America, New Zealand, and Australia written on it. None crossed out, none experienced. It’s sometimes hard for me to admit that I haven’t done any big trips because where I’m from, just about everyone I […]

Why I Haven’t Travelled Around The World Yet (Like The Rest Of My Friends)


Saving money while you’re pursuing post-secondary education is probably the hardest thing to accomplish. I don’t mean saving money for retirement, or saving money for a big trip that summer (unless you find it worthwhile). I mean saving money so that you can continue to afford groceries, gas, and to still be capable of managing […]

6 Ways To Save Money In College


personally, food is always in the top half of my expenses Isn’t it sad how easy our generation is swayed by advertising when it comes to food? We love to try new meals, new restaurants, and claim it’s the best way to get together with friends and family. Food makes things less awkward, food makes […]

Stop Eating Out & Start Eating Your Groceries


This month went extremely well as far as payments go. I went above what I had originally budgeted to pay off credit cards, and I am so happy that I did! Savings ultimately suffered, but in the end I would rather pay my debt now, and make bigger denominations to my savings later. Rather than […]

Goodbye June. I Won’t Miss Your Tight Budget


She is the founder of the two-time award-winning Canadian Personal Finance Blog of the Year, Mixed Up Money which has over 100,000 followers across social media. Through her work, she has been featured in many notable publications, including The Globe and Mail, CNBC, CBC, and more. Her books, The 100 Day Financial Goal Journal and Financial First Aid are currently available for purchase.

Alyssa is a freelance writer and enjoys writing about personal finance, homeownership, and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her enjoying some downtime with her kids, playing soccer or daydreaming about home decor.

Alyssa Davies is a content manager for Zolo, Trauma of Money facilitator and a published author living in Calgary, Alberta. 

I'm Alyssa! Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

Oh no, you missed the live webinar! But, good news: Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a resource for anyone planning for a future child or family. 

financially preparing for baby

Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a free resource for anyone looking to cut back on non-essential spending. My most-requested product is these monthly calendars to share on your Instagram story, use as a phone background, or print off to track your spending habits.

spending trackers

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Welcome friend! I'm your new money bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Alyssa x