your first job isn’t meant to last forever Oh, hello there! Welcome to my first post of 2021. I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU if you read an article of mine last year. I started writing for Mixed Up Money in May and have learned so much.  In 2020 I wrote over […]

Why I Quit My Job in the Middle of a Global Pandemic


tell them about the problem without telling them about the problem If you’re attempting to cut down on your spending, chances are the first place you’ll go is by limiting your non-essential spending. Less takeout, more home-cooked meals. Fewer Starbucks, more brewed coffee. But if you find that you’re still having trouble making ends meet […]

How to Negotiate Monthly Bills


I certainly couldn’t be seen in anything I already owned Credit cards can be valuable financial tools if you use them correctly. But, on the flip side, if you don’t understand a tool before you begin to introduce it into your routine, it might not always work in your favour. That was my relationship with […]

My Clothing Addiction Was Killing My Credit


Unprecedented times, money is weird; just get by If I had kept track of the number of times I’d written content this year that read something along the lines of ‘2020 was hard’ or ‘given the current circumstances due to COVID-19,’ it would be overwhelmingly A LOT. It’s not news to you that this year […]

Where Did My Money Go in 2020?


Perfection with personal finance is unreachable It seems almost comical to look back on 2020 and analyze if the year panned out how any of us hoped. I think we can collectively answer that question with a big, fat NOPE. Nothing went as planned, resolutions went out the window, and just as you thought nothing […]

A Financial Snapshot of 2020 and a Look Ahead to 2021


It’s about finding ways to continue to spread the joy without the fear of overspending It is hard not to get caught up in the excitement of buying gifts for loved ones and going all out with decorations and events every holiday season. But like most everything this year, 2020 has made us rethink most […]

How to Budget for Christmas Presents in 2020


Healthy relationships thrive when both partners contribute to all aspects Once you leave school and enter your early twenties, relationships become more complicated, and financial decisions involve more than deciding who’s turn it is to order UberEats. Although you may miss the days of zero complexities, mature relationships aren’t all bad. Together, you support each […]

5 Financial Mistakes You’re Making in Your Relationship


Everyone needs a unique money management style If you’re like most normal human beings attempting to navigate life through a global pandemic, you probably can’t seem to normalize this ‘new normal’ in most aspects. For me, though, the most challenging part of 2020 has been attempting to avoid non-essential spending when I have been spending […]

How to Cut Back on Non-Essential Spending


There is never a bad time to start learning about money Modern technology makes it easier than ever to access information. Forget university courses and textbooks. You can find a wealth of information that’s much more specific and relevant to your chosen topic online.  Sometimes I think that my business degree at university prepared me […]

8 Financial Resources to Start Your Money Journey


Your risk tolerance is continually changing Investing can be an intimidating task. For some, it may even feel like a gamble. Will this work out in my favour? Or, am I better off putting my money to safer use? In reality, this “gambling” reputation is far from the truth. When done right, long-term investing is […]

What is Your Risk Tolerance as an Investor?


She is the founder of the two-time award-winning Canadian Personal Finance Blog of the Year, Mixed Up Money which has over 100,000 followers across social media. Through her work, she has been featured in many notable publications, including The Globe and Mail, CNBC, CBC, and more. Her books, The 100 Day Financial Goal Journal and Financial First Aid are currently available for purchase.

Alyssa is a freelance writer and enjoys writing about personal finance, homeownership, and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her enjoying some downtime with her kids, playing soccer or daydreaming about home decor.

Alyssa Davies is a content manager for Zolo, Trauma of Money facilitator and a published author living in Calgary, Alberta. 

I'm Alyssa! Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

Oh no, you missed the live webinar! But, good news: Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a resource for anyone planning for a future child or family. 

financially preparing for baby

Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a free resource for anyone looking to cut back on non-essential spending. My most-requested product is these monthly calendars to share on your Instagram story, use as a phone background, or print off to track your spending habits.

spending trackers

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Welcome friend! I'm your new money bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Alyssa x