Times change and so should expectations Last year, I turned 30 in the middle of a global pandemic. And many people consistently asked whether or not I was scared to be getting older. In reality, the feeling was the opposite. Even though we were living through a time where most things felt out of our […]

Screw Traditional Milestones


My business is to make sure that I’m doing all that I need to do for my own money Change is inevitable. You change your style, you change your hair, you even change your political views. The fact of the matter is that it’s nearly impossible not to change your mind at some point — […]

It’s Okay To Change Your Money Mindset


financial futures aren’t made by hoping something will happen Just one month after graduating from university I entered the workforce. I was young, eager, passionate and ready to take on any challenge. When people asked me how I landed the job I was seriously confused. “What do you mean?” I would ask them. “I applied […]

How My Side Hustle Became An Ongoing Networking Event


Every penny you save is a penny you could use to save or invest to make more money As much as I love seeing money quotes around the web, it can become pretty exhausting to see the same ones from Ben Franklin, Dave Ramsey, and The Suze Orman Show. Am I right, or am I […]

25 of the Best Money Quotes from Financial Bloggers


that’s what we’re all looking for, right? A way to become financially successful. Oh hi there. It’s been a jam-packed 336 hours since I last posted. And I’M STOKED TO BE BACK. I honestly don’t even know where to start this week. Besides the fact that if you haven’t already noticed – I completely rebranded! […]

I Fell In Love With Personal Finance All Over Again


Personal finance is rock n’ roll because it is not constant Personal finance is not your favorite thing in the world, I know. You have a ton of other hobbies, loves, and likes that better define your personality. I know this because even though I actually do consider personal finance one of my favorite things […]

Why Dedicating 1 Day a Month to Your Finances Is So Rock N’ Roll


Blogging and writing about my journey has erased the stigma surrounding debt for me. It is officially Mixed Up Money’s one year anniversary today! As a blog that started out as a way to hold myself accountable for my debt load, and to help me learn more about my struggles with saving and spending, things […]

1 Year, 4 Things, 3533 Tweets


She is the founder of the two-time award-winning Canadian Personal Finance Blog of the Year, Mixed Up Money which has over 100,000 followers across social media. Through her work, she has been featured in many notable publications, including The Globe and Mail, CNBC, CBC, and more. Her books, The 100 Day Financial Goal Journal and Financial First Aid are currently available for purchase.

Alyssa is a freelance writer and enjoys writing about personal finance, homeownership, and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her enjoying some downtime with her kids, playing soccer or daydreaming about home decor.

Alyssa Davies is a content manager for Zolo, Trauma of Money facilitator and a published author living in Calgary, Alberta. 

I'm Alyssa! Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

Oh no, you missed the live webinar! But, good news: Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a resource for anyone planning for a future child or family. 

financially preparing for baby

Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a free resource for anyone looking to cut back on non-essential spending. My most-requested product is these monthly calendars to share on your Instagram story, use as a phone background, or print off to track your spending habits.

spending trackers

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Welcome friend! I'm your new money bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Alyssa x