Be proud of any milestone that makes your mental health and happiness the focus When it comes to money, everyone has their self-proclaimed winning tips. There are a lot of surprising ways to save, earn and invest your money. Traditionally, the few that work such as budgeting, paying off debt and saving for retirement are no fails. You should absolutely be […]

6 Realistic Financial Habits to Build in Your 20s


It’s time to Let go of the “could be’s” and the “what if’s” If you’re in a relationship, and you and your partner always argue about money or aren’t sure how to get on the same page with your financial goals, you might be happy to hear you’re not alone. In a 2018 Fidelity Couples & […]

How to Talk Money in Your Relationship


you need to be overly prepared for any type of emergency So, you bought your first home! What an exciting time. I know and remember the feeling quite well. Just six months ago my husband, daughter and I moved into our first ever home that wasn’t a rental and we were extremely elated. The excitement […]

If You’re a New Homeowner, You Need Your Bases Covered


give yourself room to breathe as a person rather than a machine who saves money In 2019, my husband and I went from renting for 10 years to owning our very first home. In the time that we were renters, we tried to avoid anything related to home upkeep or maintenance, mostly because those items […]

Which Purchases Will You Deem “Worth It” In 2020?


doing something small can tackle something even larger that has been holding you back It’s that time of year again, where we all hibernate into our homes and bundle up in front of the fireplace. We eat more cookies than we can count, and we forget about all of our responsibilities for just a few […]

10 Thought-Provoking Stories You Need to Read This December


you might reconsider how budget-friendly these services are Picture this: it’s Friday night, and instead of going out with your friends you decide to stay in and save money. You make the responsible choice that everyone wants to make but doesn’t always achieve. You congratulate yourself by listening to Spotify while you make a home-cooked […]

Are You Stacking Memberships?


How we spend each week is dramatically hard to estimate One of the first steps for anyone attempting to control their financial habits should do is get to know their numbers. In other words, you’ll have to begin tracking your spending. A good starting point is to take inventory of how much money you bring […]

4 Things You Learn From Tracking Your Spending


once the trailer was released, I was already obsessed If you’re not familiar with the beauty world and that of the makeup community that exists on YouTube, you might not understand the phenomenon that is influencer persuasion. Growing up, the only makeup that I bought or cared about was the Shopper’s Drugmart gunk that would […]

What Was It Like to Spend $100 on Influencer Makeup?


The more you talk about money, the more comfortable these conversations become. Just five months ago, my financial life changed dramatically. My husband and I went from a very minimal lifestyle with a newborn, to managing the budget of new homeowners (along with one very active toddler). Our living expenses have gone up by 75% […]

How I’m Owning My Financial Future During the Most Expensive Time in My Life


Sometimes a quick fix is easier and better than buying new. Normally I’m the type of person who would spend hours in her closet, staring at her clothing, and obsessing over the fact that I had nothing to wear. I’d mutter how each of my accessories was old and boring, and opt to go nude. But […]

How I Went an Entire Year Without Buying New Clothes or Makeup


She is the founder of the two-time award-winning Canadian Personal Finance Blog of the Year, Mixed Up Money which has over 100,000 followers across social media. Through her work, she has been featured in many notable publications, including The Globe and Mail, CNBC, CBC, and more. Her books, The 100 Day Financial Goal Journal and Financial First Aid are currently available for purchase.

Alyssa is a freelance writer and enjoys writing about personal finance, homeownership, and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her enjoying some downtime with her kids, playing soccer or daydreaming about home decor.

Alyssa Davies is a content manager for Zolo, Trauma of Money facilitator and a published author living in Calgary, Alberta. 

I'm Alyssa! Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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This one's on me. Complimentary free stuff coming right up. 

leaving so soon?

Oh no, you missed the live webinar! But, good news: Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a resource for anyone planning for a future child or family. 

financially preparing for baby

Mixed Up Money is pleased to share a free resource for anyone looking to cut back on non-essential spending. My most-requested product is these monthly calendars to share on your Instagram story, use as a phone background, or print off to track your spending habits.

spending trackers

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Welcome friend! I'm your new money bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Alyssa x